Thursday, July 30, 2015

420 Movement Breaks New Ground As Google App Store Accepts 420 Contact App

While marijuana has been making headlines in the legal and legislative worlds for some time, it's still back in the 2000's when it comes to advertising.

Recently the first ever 420 commercial was scheduled to air on Denver, CO TV. But the TV station's owners pulled the ad due to legal concerns. It seems the FCC still hasn't decided if they are going to allow commercials promoting legal marijuana use. So to stay out of possible trouble, the ad was refused.

This shows just how difficult it has been to market and advertise legal 420 resources. Never in the history of law has it been so difficult to advertise a legal product.

This week announced they have successfully placed their new "420 Contact App" on Google Play. 420 Contact connects care givers with patients needing medical cannabis in California. It is a legal collective.

By installing the 420 Contact App, a member can stay in touch with a collective caregiver or member, no matter where they are. It gives individuals access to a well established network of trusted, high standard products and community.

The app allows discreet orders while giving the member ongoing assistance in real time. Being a 420 Contact member guarantees you will receive quality and consistency anywhere other members are.

Getting the App accepted by Google is considered nothing short of a miracle. Experts who were contacted prior to acceptance said no way would Google even consider such a thing. But the times they are a changing. After a great deal of work by 420 Contact, Google accepted the App.

Just to make sure no opportunity is overlooked, 420 Contact is currently negotiating for acceptance in the Apple Store. The obvious question is -- if Google accepted the App, can Apple afford to refuse it?

This surprising turn of events is creating a major buzz (no pun intended) in the Medical Marijuana community. No media company is more powerful than Google. Their favorable nod could be the big break 420 advertising has been looking for.

Meanwhile 420 Contact is continuing their effort to overcome the many pitfalls and limits to advertising Medical Marijuana products and collective services. As pioneers in the industry they push Guerrilla marketing techniques and forge new paths.

420 Contact works to make sure Californians authorized for Medical Marijuana use aren't searching back alleys for their medical needs. The App gives members a reliable way to get excellent product that is consistent and priced fairly.

Marijuana is legal for recreational use in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska and D.C., and for medical use in 20 states. In most of these places residents say life proceeds as normal. Colorado, the first to legalize, is experiencing a sizable economic boost.

The Federal Government which regulates broadcasting lags behind. This latest agreement between 420 Contact and Google may be seen as a milestone in this struggle.

Learn more about the organization 420 Contact at

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